The Little Man’s First Birthday

      Our baby boy turned one in June… I know we all say it, but I can’t believe a whole year has passed! I have enjoyed every minute of it. Even the late night feedings, the scary falls, the loud tantrums & all the joys in between. In reflection, so much has happened throughout this year, I cannot exactly say that it has gone in a flash. Staying home with him (how lucky am I!) 24/7 since he was born, I have been able to appreciate every little thing. Even though, I can barely remember my gorgeous boy as a newborn…

       That’s it for the reminiscing! Now, I thought I would share a little bit from his hot air balloon party. I spent a fair bit of time preparing it all, but I think it was worth it. If only because I thoroughly enjoy the process! 🙂

       I have decided to start a tradition for my child(ren): I have knitted the Little Man a crown for him to wear every year on his special day. A nice photo prop, helping us see how much he grows between birthdays.
This first birthday also signed the end of the monthly undergarments I have designed for him. It was the opportunity to make it a special one, adding sewn in fabric and felt (as you can see on this top picture).

Birthday 2

    I kept the decoration quite simple in the shades of blue and grey. I displayed a timeframe of milestones with pictures and cards (Milestone Baby Cards. I adore them, haven’t missed one!) along the walls. At first, the plan was to hang some on the photos (I have A LOT) on helium balloons, just like little hot air balloons floating about the room BUT I had not considered their weight… As you can see, some photos needed 3 balloons! I only ended up doing a handful like these. So, on the wall they go!

Birthday 3

   I had set a few tables on one side of the room with a buffet style of treats. All the ones I made were prepared with 2 things in mind: babies should be able to eat everything fairly easily AND it should try to some extent to follow the party’s theme.
The only things worth a notice are the homemade lollies in the shape of “1” (made of fruit juice, gelatine and glucose syrup; thanks Pinterest!) and the parmesan, rosemary & thyme crusted biscuits cut with my awesome hot air balloon cookie cutter!

     This wonderful cake (on the right) was a gift from the Little Man’s best friend’s mum, an amazing cake maker. She personalised it to my liking with our Ouistiti’s name, our colours and a little fox, just like his Mr Fox softie.

Birthday 4

    Finally, I had set up a photo booth, symbolising a hot air balloon (again, I know) where I got a picture with each of the kids with my Little Man and, if I may say so myself, they are extremely cute!

     Let me know what you think! Did you have a theme for your littlies’ first birthday? Did you go for the handmade or professionally planned party?